like-minded friends...

...This blog has been created between three like-minded friends who desire to spur one another on to loving Christ more. Join us in our journey! ... Philippians 2:2-11 ...

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Great Post Jenn!

Jenn, Thanks! So good for all of life, and also specifically for me right now as I work on my DS and online courses. They are "just" gen-ed, but I am finding them interesting (most of the time). Even so, sometimes I find myself doing them just to get the job done. And the job does indeed need to get done as a part of my being faithful, but it's good to learn now because, like you said, you just NEVER KNOW what God will have you doing in the future. So thanks so much for the great reminders. It's so good to hear that you're having time to think over those things as you see God at work there in Peru. Carry on whole-heartedly friend, with joy! We love and miss you.

Continuing to Learn After College

Coming to the end of my college education really made me think a lot about how much I value learning. I want to keep learning in spite of not being in school, where I would receive assignments, deadlines, lectures and grades.
Because of my desire to pursue learning and knowledge, I took advantage of seeking the wise counsel of the professors around me while still at TMC. One prof told me that one of the best ways to educate yourself after college is to READ! READ! READ! But it should not stop there! He suggested then discussing it with like-minded individuals, others who want to learn and are interested in the same field. That's what we are doing here.
Another professor, when asked about this subject, spoke of the importance of knowing your purpose for studying. He said this is between you and God. One of the most important things you can do, therefore, is pray about it. Pray about what God would have you study and what direction God would have you pursue.
I have thought a lot more on this, especially in Peru. While here I have seen how God has uniquely prepared each one of us for ministry because of past education. He has used my limited knowledge of Hebrew, Kristi's extensive knowledge of Spanish as well as her skill in jumping rope, a seventh grade math lesson I remember because of a good teacher, my knowledge and training in phonics from my mom, and much more. I also see how because of our laziness some of us do not have opportunities or are limited because we did not pursue education with excellence. I wish my motivation for studying Spanish in highschool would have been to learn the language and prepare for whatever the Lord had in store for me instead of to get a good grade.
This has all brought me to the realization that every opportunity for gaining knowledge I will pursue whole heartedly for the sake of the gospel. I don't want my life to be wasted and just like Jodi with her "Summer Mentality" realization, I too realize life is short!
God faithfully prepares us for the future. He is the best teacher with the best illustrations, homework, and perfect timing. I want to be the best student I can be. I want to be working whole heartedly so that I can maximize every opportunity for the gospel in the future. The pastor, of a church here in Lima, in a sermon told the Peruvian congregation that they should all learn English because most of the world knows English and then they can tell them about the gospel. I want to be pursuing knowledge and education for that purpose, for God's glory. I want to be pursuing it with excellence because that is what is required in light of God's glory and His perfect preparation of us for the future. I don't want my life to be wasted.

- Proverbs 23:12 Apply your heart to instruction and your ear to words of knowledge.
- Proverbs 23:23 Buy truth and do not sell it; buy wisdom, instruction, and understanding.

Posted by Jenn from Peru

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Good Questions

I was reminded tonight of the importance of good questions. The question, "How are you doing?", only leads to a very shallow reply. Scripture says that a man of understanding draws the heart out. Knowing how to ask a question is a huge part of that. It is something I want to grow in and that I am working on. Asking questions not only allows you to see someone elses heart but also graciously and effectively helps others to understand their hearts as well. Instead of asking, "How are you doing?", ask "What is one blessing and one difficulty you have had in the last week?" You will get a very different response. It is a very good question that was asked of me tonight. Maybe I will write my response in another post soon, but I will not make any promises but I would ask of you: what has God been teaching you in the last week?, how have you been blessed today?, what is one thing that has been difficult recently? Please let me know.
- Jenn

Jenn Posts from Peru!

I'm sorry that I haven't been doing my share of posting or of reading the books for May. Things have been a great deal more busy in Peru than I anticipated but they have been good. I have been thankful that the Lord has been humbling me through various circumstances here. This has caused me to think on how thankful I am to have a God who is unlike any other. I am so glad that I serve a God who is the most God-centered and focused being alive. He deserves all the glory and we don't so it is right that He is focused on His glory and that He in His goodness seeks our good as well. What caused me to think on this is seeing my propensity to want others to praise and glorify me. I want to steal the show. I want everyone else to see how good I am. This is sin and it is ridiculous in light of who God is. It is good to be reminded that I am nothing and to then humbly come before God in prayer and see Him glorify himself by answering my prayer. It is hard to not speak the language here. Last night we were at a Jr. High youth group and I wasn't of much use. I prayed though that one kid there that was not saved would ask a question that night that would spark a conversation and a chance for one of the leaders to share the gospel. God answered that request and Amber a teacher at the school here got to share the gospel and the girl believed. I want to be doing, doing, doing so that others can see but He calls me to simple faithfulness and to trust in Him. My trust, hope, and joy is grounded in the knowledge that God will glorify Himself in every situation.
- Jenn

Friday, May 26, 2006

Humility Quote 1

"The fact that it is possible for anyone to say of those who claim to seek holiness that the profession has not been accompanied with increasing humility, is a loud call to all earnest Christians, whatever truth there be in the charge, to prove that meekness and lowliness of heart are the chief marks by which they who follow the Lamb of God are to be known."
- Andrew Murray's "Humility" p. 12

Small Thoughts

We are such weak and frail people, and yet I am amazed at how often we try to be so self-sufficient and proud and independent from God in how we live. Actually, I guess I'm not amazed at all because the bottom line is that we are sinners and that is how sinners act. I love Psalm 103 for the fact that it reminds us of our place as small and insignificant and vanishing... it also reminds us of the greatness of God and His incredible mercy to us.
Some of my favorite reminders of that in this chapter are:

The LORD is merciful and gracious,
Slow to anger, and abounding in mercy. (v. 8)

He has not dealt with us according to our sins,
Nor punished us according to our iniquities. (v. 10)

As a father pities his children,
So the LORD pities those who fear Him.
For He knows our frame;
He remembers that we are dust.
As for man, his days are like grass;
As a flower of the field, so he flourishes.
For the wind passes over it, and it is gone,
And its place remembers it no more.
But the mercy of the LORD is from everlasting to everlasting
On those who fear him... (v. 13-17a)

The LORD remembers that we are dirt, and yet He is kind to us. I was thinking when I read this... do I remember that I'm dirt? I think more often, I act like I'm made out of gold. But nope, we're just dust... here for now and soon to go back to the ground. Life is fast. When it comes to the end, the thing that will matter is: Did we know and fear the LORD?


Monday, May 22, 2006

Your Life is Not Summer

The following is a journal entry from April 16, 2006... nearly a month before I graduated from college. At the time, I shared my thoughts on this with Jenn & Jen, and one of them asked me to post something about it. So here it is... edited for publication. =)

Your Life is Not Summer.

I realized in talking on the phone with a friend yesterday that I can’t live my life after graduation as though I’m on summer break. Sure—I usually work every summer and have gotten involved at church, worked out, and read books… but I’ve also relaxed, watched too much TV, and have often lived in a very self-focused manner. It’s not that relaxing is bad or that life can’t be enjoyed. But during summer I usually had the mentality that I was always headed back to school—headed back to a more regulated and disciplined life—a life that would be filled with studying and learning and deep conversations with good friends… a life with a great church and great ministry opportunities that were desirable and fun to fill.
But now, as I finish up and head into summer, I don’t want to get stuck in the “summer mentality.” In fact, I don’t even want the summer mentality for the summer. I wish in retrospect that I never had the summer mentality. What I want, as graduation nears and “real life” looms is a life mentality… the sense of urgency and discipline that we should live by as we realize that we are only given one life; it is to be for God’s glory alone; and it is short. The most tragic thing that I can think of is that I would “wake up” when I turn 50 and realize that I’d been playing with life and doing nothing that mattered. It would be a tragic thing if I chose to live it for my own pleasure, my own comfort, if I made my decisions based on my feelings. It would be wasted. That would be a deep tragedy, because life is something that we can never get back. We have one shot—one shot at this hour, this day, this week, this month, this year, this LIFE. It is irretrievable and yet we will be held accountable for each bit of it.
And so as I enter the joys of the summer months—the joys of sunshine, the beach, travel, family, relaxation, and more—I can truly rejoice in these times for they are a blessing from the LORD. But spiritually, it’s not summer—it’s not vacation… nor should it ever be. If I have the tendency to drift and let loose, then I should gird up my heart and mind more than ever. The summer is not a time to coast spiritually. I must still be a good steward with my time. I must continue to make purposeful choices. I must continue to learn what it means to deny my fleshly desires. I need to make decisions on what is pleasing to my heavenly Father—not what is pleasing to what I “feel” like.
Life for Jesus is here and now and demands action and discipline and the quest to know Him—the journey for godliness. And this journey doesn’t take summers off… it’s every moment of our lives until we breathe our last.
I must ever remember what this life is about… and that my life is not summer.

The summer months approach quickly,
But in my heart and mind,
May they never be.

-posted by jodi

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Gone to Peru!

Right now our very own Jenn is in Peru on a missions trip with several other Master's College students. Once they arrived in Peru, the team split in two (as pre-scheduled). Half of the group is working in helping with medical needs, and the other half is working with regards to teacher education. Jenn and three other girls are a part of the teacher education group. They are working in Lima, and all seems to be going well. You can check for their updates here. Posted by Picasa

Friday, May 19, 2006

Book Club

One of the main purposes of this blog is the establishment of our own personal Book Club. Each month we will be reading a "book of the month" together and corresponding with each other regarding it. We have already chosen our books for the next several months. Here are our summer choices:

MAY: "Humility" (2 small books... one by C.J. Mahaney and the other by Andrew Murray)

JUNE: "Life Management for Busy Women" by Elizabeth George

JULY: "Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life" by D. Whitney

AUGUST: "Discipline: The Glad Surrender" by Elizabeth Elliot

For anyone interested, we'd love you to read the book of the month along with us and leave comments on what you're learning or thinking about as a result of the books. We'll be posting our own comments here on the blog.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Speaking of Like-mindedness...

Just putting a little Pooh Bear out there for all the Tiggers in the world that might be interested.... Hee hee hee. We love you Lisa, and we're glad for your friendship. Carry the torch high next year in Sweazy. Love the "J's" Posted by Picasa

Welcome All!

We are the like-minded three... or perhaps better referred to as the absent-minded three, considering that we just came out of a very hectic and crazy year at Master's. But it was also a good year in every way, and we praise God because we have seen Him at work in others, as well as in our own hearts and lives.

It's because of this last year together that we have formed this blog--mostly because we want to keep in touch with each other because over the next years we will be miles apart. We are thankful for the way that the Lord has joined us together as friends, and we desire to remain a part of each others' lives. We want to continue to challenge one another and to run the race side by side. But we also made this blog because we want to spur others on for Christ. So if you happen to be reading this blog, it's for you too, and for your enjoyment. Feel free to browse around and leave comments. We'd love to interact with you. Soli Deo Gloria!