So, since this blog is not often used for what it was originally intended for (not that I am complaining, but let's be honest)... I thought I would spice it up a little with a question for whoever might wish to comment on this.
Questions are a great way to get to know one another, and also to think, laugh, disagree, or be challenged. So whether they be interative silliness or interactive seriousness, we will no doubt learn knew things about each other... which is honestly part of this blog's purpose. And since this is more or less a "family blog" with few outside readers, it might just work well. So if you want to pose a question to the readers/writers of this blog, go for it.
If you could invent something, what would it be?
My answer would be an international "BEAM ME UP SCOTTY" device. If I could somehow beam up my atoms and cells to Venezuela or Indonesia or Canada or Israel or Australia or India right now or in the next few weeks, I sure would. I'd love to pop in on my brother in Indonesia and see what kind of food he's eating. I'd like to see my parents next weekend after they are back in Venzuela. I'd like to catch my grandparents for coffee in Canada. I'd love to eat a shwarma with Jenn in Israel or go climb a tell. It'd be fun to visit my aunt and uncle and maybe a kangaroo in Australia. I'd love to see how Megan, Heidi, and Bjorn are doing in India. Just one little "BEAM ME UP SCOTTY"... and I'm outta here! Well, in my dreams... instead it's going to be "Beam me up DELTA" next time I fly. Fortunately, they don't have to disassemble my atoms and cells. I think all they'll do is disassemble my liquids and gels. Anyone else have an answer?
After today I would have to say a phone that works even if it accidentally gets dropped in the toilet. Please don't ask :) I really like Jodi's invention too because I love living overseas but the hardest part is leaving people I love back home. It would be really nice to hop on the transporter, spend the day with friends and family, and then return to whatever country I came from.
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