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Wednesday, June 07, 2006

June's Reading

I have begun June's book of the month, "Life Management for Busy Women", and am just barely into it, but I am really enjoying the book so far. It is very practical and applicable. It also reminded me of a wonderful book that I haven't read or studied carefully for a long time, and that is the book of II Timothy. So I'm excited to be reading through II Timothy... the little book which as E. George says is "a letter that contains a straightforward, heart-to-heart, hard-line call to Timothy to live a hardened, tough-as-nails, disciplined life... so that Timothy could glorify God with his life and his service... and so that he could stand up to the trials of life." That's the kind of life I want to live.
Anyway, I thought I'd just post a few of my favorite quotes or thoughts from the book so far.

May we remember that we live one day at a time... yet we are living for eternity in that one day! -p. 6

We must be women who wait on the Lord. In spite of the busy-ness of life, you and I must learn to look to Him each new morning. We must realize that LIFE management is really SPIRITUAL life management. -p. 11

You and I need the spiritual food only the Word of God can provide... and that takes TIME. -p. 13

Behind the passionate life of every passionate saint is a passion for God and His Word. -p. 13

Also Mrs. George was giving some of her tips that she'd learned, and she said, "It's these three small steps that I have faithfully taken for the past 30 years that have helped to develop a personal reservoir of God's Word at the heart of my life." The phrase "small steps that I have faithfully taken" really stuck out to me as a reminder once again that in our spiritual lives, battles are fought and victories are won in the small choices. It is our daily actions and daily choices that will add up in 5 years... either to find us faithful in our pursuit of the Lord-- or to find us complacent in our walk or even off the path and playing with sin and temptation. We might be tempted to "give in" to something just this once, but how we must fight even the smallest of temptations, because the smallest of temptations can lead to the biggest of sins if they are fed and fueled enough. And so as E. George says... "small faithful steps on a daily basis"... this is the tough-as-nails way of life that is required to walk in such a way that that we will be found as faithful and obedient servants to our Master.


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