Expect Greater Things
During debrief, when I returned to California from Peru, our team was encouraged to not let our excitement for missions and what we saw God do in our time there be a missions-trip high that soon faded. We were reminded that we as believers are missional people and need to stay on mission. Missions is not just a project, it is supposed to be our lifestyle. We are to expect greater things. This is just the beginning. As an example of all of this, the ABWE representative in charge of our debrief showed us two adjoining chapters in John that tell us of Nathaniel and Mary. In John 1 Nathaniel is called to be a disciple. Before he meets Jesus Nathaniel poses the question, "Can anything good come out of Nazareth?" After Jesus speaks to Philip saying, "I saw you while you were still under the fig tree" Philip is amazed and proclaims Jesus to be the Messiah. Jesus responds saying in verse 50, "Because I said to you I saw you under the fig tree do you believe? You will see greater things than these."
The same man in charge of our debrief continued on to the next chapter where Jesus performs His first miracle at the Wedding in Cana. When Mary comes to her son with the news that there is no wine Jesus says, "Woman what does this have to do with me? My hour has not yet come." With such a response one would not expect Mary to respond the way she does. Mary turns to the servants and tells them to do whatever Jesus tells them to do. What would make Mary do this when she had never seen Jesus perform a miracle before and when He had responded to her by asking what she would have him do? She responded that way because she was expecting greater things.
We should live expecting greater things. We should expect them not because we deserve it but because of who God is. That is what God does. We should have a reverent expectation, as Mary did, for the powerful work of God.
I remind myself of this frequently as I fight to trust God. I must fight to trust in spite of seeing Him work time and time again in incredible ways. Oh to be like Mary who in faith expected greater things despite having never seen a miracle.
Sounds like you would be interested in reading Dr. John R. Myers' book, Expect Greater Things.
Check out www.expectgreaterthings.com
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