108 1/2 years old and still like-minded
I am sorry for the lack of posts or emails. It has been a very busy summer. I am currently visiting relatives in the Mid West and internet connections have not been readily accessible.
Today I had the wonderful opportunity of meeting and visiting a with woman who is 108 1/2 years old (She always makes sure to add that 1/2 year). Her name is Claudia Ketchum. She is a long time friend of my mom's family.
Claudia is amazing. She is so full of life, joy, love, humor, and thanksgiving. She loves the Lord and she makes that known in her speech. I listened as she frequently brought up Jesus and praised His name. I listened as she expressed thanks for so many things in her life dispite the excrutiating pain. I listened as she counselled herself through disappointments and things she was having a hard time being thankful for. There is much to learn from those who have lived longer than us, especially those who are believers.
There are so many things I could share with you about our visit. I wanted to share one quote here. She has said this as long as my mom remembers whenever she would cry easily because of her love for others, especially as she would say goodbye.
"My bladder is too close to my eyes. I was born that way."
I liked it because it showed her sense of humor and it shows how much she values and loves people. She knows how to hug, smile, and welcome as very few do.
I was so blessed to meet her and spend time with her. To be honest, I did not want to go and I had no desire to meet some random lady even if she was 108 1/2. Now I am wondering when I can go back.
One of my resolutions and prayers today is that I would be a sincere individual. I do not love others and prefer others as I should. I would rather not converse with people I don't know. I am praying that God would work in my heart to give me a sincere love for others. I want to love believers and unbelievers, those I know and those I don't, young and old. I don't want to be fake in meeting new people and I don't want to be a flatterer. I want to love them as Christ would. I would greatly appreciate your prayer for this as well.
God is so faithful to answer prayer and teach us. Right now I am at my uncle's house and learning so much about loving others from watching he and his wife interact with their son who is mentally handicapped. My cousin is around 33 and is progressively getting worse. It is so amazing to watch his parents love and service. Sometimes I don't know how to engage him but it is a good opportunity to learn from those who do and to practice. Also, we had guests here yesterday and among them was a little girl. It was a good opportunity to practice what I had prayed for. I was able to love her by playing games with her since I was the only one here within 15 years of her age.
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