like-minded friends...

...This blog has been created between three like-minded friends who desire to spur one another on to loving Christ more. Join us in our journey! ... Philippians 2:2-11 ...

Monday, June 26, 2006

Still Here

Sorry that I haven't posted for a while, my like-minded friends. As you know I was on the road travelling up to British Columbia last week, and since I have been here I have been working fairly steadily on finishing up a DS (and enjoying seeing family members again). I have also hardly been online as we are on a dial-up phone-line (isn't life hard?) So my thought is that I won't be posting any big posts until this DS is done as it is priority right now. But I just wanted to let you know that I am still thinking of you and have not forgotten this blog of ours. I just finished a great biography on Martin Luther, and I hope to put some of my favorite quotes of his on here eventually. What an amazing individual!

I hope that all is well with you guys. Things here are beautiful. My grandparents live in a lovely town that is surrounded by mountains and has a beautiful lake. The weather is warm, the days are long, the lake is refreshing, gramma's garden is glorious, and you can't beat reading under the apple tree in the back yard. It is great to be here.

My grandparents are a delight. My gramma is silly and fun and loves people. We always have a great time. She is almost 80, and most days I feel like she can run circles around me. My grampa is 85 and he is just finishing his yearly read through the Bible. He is in Revelations. After he finishes, he says that he will go back and read the New Testament again before he starts back in the beginning next year. They are people whose love for the Lord, love for others, and love for God's work has never dimmed even over the course of many, many years. I have a wonderful spiritual heritage... a sweet grace of God to be sure.

Okay, friends... I'm going to go take a few bites of watermelon, and then I'm heading down the street to do some yardwork for a family friend. Love and miss you guys.


At 3:50 PM, Blogger Carly Payne said...

Hey monkey! I love reading your posts, keep'em coming! I'm thinking of joining the blogging world while I'm in Uganda this summer. We shall see what comes of that... Miss ya, kiddo


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