Trusting God
Many of you know that I often fail to trust God the way I should. Many of you faithful friends have been the ones to point out areas of my life where I fail to trust God and then to lovingly point me back to the trustworthy Savior. Recently I have noticed how I pick and choose what areas I choose to trust God and be at peace in and what areas I want control of and as a result I worry and fret about.
One of the greatest areas I fail to trust God in is my future ministry and work. I have seen Him work in extraordinary ways in the past. In spite of my failures and expectations in the areas He has placed me in the past, He has done great things. I have seen him work exceedingly beyond all that I could ask or imagine, yet I fret that He will not continue to work like this in the future. I hate to move on because I think God can't possibly top what He did in the last place He had me. I know this is wrong thinking.
I keep reminding myself of His work in the past. I also keep telling myself that it is exceedingly sinful not to trust Him with the present or future when I have seen Him work in such amazing ways in the past. I am reminded of this as I read the Exodus account where the Israelites time and time again grumbled after God had provided and remained faithful time and time again. It is exceedingly wicked.
It is also exceedingly wicked for me to not relinquish the trust that is due God because I want control over certain areas of my life. How can you say "Lord, Lord" and trust Him with one part of your life but not all? People fret over my safety this next year. I am not worried about that, yet I am anxious about failing at my job. I don't think God will do great things this next year. I don't trust that He will be faithful to equip me for the job He has called me to as He has in the past. This is exceedingly sinful.
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean
not on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will
make straight your paths." Proverbs 3:5
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